New Thing New Experience

November 5, 2011 § Tinggalkan komentar

Everything is happened for a reason. Stupendous thing, vague one, intricate problem has their own secret those must be dig in, must be revealed. Somehow we are not patient enough to gain great result and concede in the middle of “war”. Halt in unproper spot.

New thing always be new experience. That’s how the world works. Never let anyone tease you with great work you did, just move on.

As an early entrepeneur, play my role as a courier was a remarkable stuff. To wander around Bandung whilst observe a new place was great. I used to pass the same area but never stick my head nor memorize what street that was. But now, I feel know Bandung more than before.

So, great adventure became my first new experience after transforming into entrepeneur (Courier).

Now I know where to buy korean food ingredient. More alert to every house ordering our food. Realizing route to Cijerah, Pak Gatot, Cijagra, Gunung Putri and much more unimagine place in which I have never heard before.

New thing is new experience. Stop at mart and traditional mart to buy tteokbokki, Gochujang, Zuchini, meat, onion and etc is my another new experience. I definetely seldom visit mart to obtain several ingredients and negotiate with butcher but now enforced to do. That’s my duty.

I would like to self smile to look deep within my self. I pat my cheek and feel hurts. Realizing that I am not slumber. I go shopping to traditional mart and I made it.

As a courier, weaving new connection seems good. Chat with customer, spread relation, build communication will raise our bargaining position.

That’s all are my new experience after dwell with entrepreneurship atmosphere. What about you?
Do not keep nagging with your recent condition. Go for change it if only you do not want the same life. Just focus on your success. Your succes rely on your faith.

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